Privacy Policy

1. Methods of Personal Information Collection

Greens Kitami Corporation, operating the Embrace Hokkaido in a Moment website (hereinafter referred to as “this site”), will abide by this “Privacy Policy” and responsibly protect the personal information of all users of this site. Furthermore, this site will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information in handling users’ personal information.

1. Methods of Personal Information Collection

When customers make inquiries through this site, we may ask for personal information such as name, telephone number, email address, inquiry content, and other information related to the use of this site that customers choose to provide directly. When personal information is collected on this site, the purpose of use will be clearly indicated, and it will be obtained through appropriate and fair means.

2. Use of Personal Information

This site will use the personal information of the users only within the scope of the stated purposes of use and will not use it beyond the scope of those purposes. Additionally, before use, we will obtain consent after clearly indicating any separate purposes of use related to the information.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

This site will not provide or disclose users’ personal information to third parties without the users’ consent, except as required by law. Also, when using users’ personal information, this site may entrust the information to third parties within the legitimate scope of use. We obligate and supervise the entrusted parties to strictly manage the personal information.

4. Improvement of Security Management

This site will take appropriate measures to keep users’ personal information accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, strict management of users’ personal information will be enforced, and preventive measures and security measures against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc., will be implemented.

5. Inquiries, Changes, and Deletion of Personal Information

When users of this site request to inquire, change, or delete their personal information, we will respond promptly within a reasonable and necessary range, as soon as confirmation of the individual’s identity is made, except when legally or operationally permitted to refuse.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The contents of this policy may be changed without notice to users, except for matters that are separately specified in this policy or by law. Furthermore, except as separately specified by our company, the updated privacy policy will take effect once it is posted on this site.

7. Contact for Inquiries

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the following:


Embrace Hokkaido in a Moment

Contact Information

Secretariat / Rogical Co., Ltd.
Tel 0157-57-9636

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